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Astrid Krehan is a contemporary photo artist born in Nuremberg, Germany. Her works convert everyday objects into abstract images characterized by high saturation and bright colours. Her photography is focused on capturing the fine details of a surface and enhancing them to show texture, patterns and forms. All this is intensified thanks to the strong colours.
Astrid plays with the camera getting different combinations of light and colour. These results create abstract images. In fact, when in front of these photos they look like paintings. The intensifying of the details leads the viewer to perceive them as canvas and brushstrokes.
Photography shows what the eye fails to take in. It goes beyond what the human eye can see. Astrids' photography breaks down objects and landscapes that do not exist in the external world but emerge from inside her images.


Astrid Krehan
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Details Title Type Date City Country Video
China in the eyes of Astrid Krehan Exhibition Zürich Switzerland