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1977: Geboren in Nürnberg Lebt und arbeitet in London
2004: Diplom der University of Applied Sciences, Nürnberg
2006: Masters of Architecture and Urbanism, March, Architectural Association, London
Seit 2006: Projektarchitekt, Zaha Hadid Architects, London

MORPHÊ Digital technologies have an incredible impact on the field of architecture, art and design in general. Nevertheless most of the soft- and hardware employed in contemporary design practices for instance is rather used for straightforward drafting and representing exercises. Therefore the real potential of these systems is barely exploited yet. Advanced 3D and Animation software first developed for the gaming and movie industries in recent years provide powerful algorithms, capable not only of simulating reality, but even of generating new realities. The selection of images and models presented here show an overview over a body of experimental research undertaken to further explore the full potentiality of some of these softand hardware systems. By applying sets of rules, scripts and commands to parametric setups of digital material matter, morphogenetic processes can be triggered, helping to analyze, exploit and enhance form-finding processes found in natural formations. The objects generated are not frozen or final designs of any kind. They rather represent steps in evolutionary processes and are still subject to further research and transformation. All of these structural genotypes have a latent potential to mutate into multiple phenotypes ranging from small-scale products to large-scale spatial structures according to the parameters applied during formation. By means of modern CAM and prototyping methods (such as CNC milling or Selective Laser Sintering for instance) each of these structures can easily be materialized in almost any scale. Some derivates of the processes presented here have already successfully been implemented and tested in recent large-scale architectural and urban proposals during the author's work with Zaha Hadid Architects.

2005: «Beyond Media», Florenz; «Projects Review», AA (Architectural Association) School, London
2006: «Projects Review», AA (Architectural Association) School, London; «Design as Research», Chile

2004: Beste Diplomarbeit, ArchPlus Magazin
2007: Feidad Award 2006, University of Taiwan


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Daniel Widrig