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PF25 cultural projects is delighted to announce the solo exhibition of Hong Kong artist Bouie Choi ‘We stay up late to behold the beauty of the stars,’ as part of our residency and community projects in Basel. 

The exhibition will showcase newly commissioned wood paintings including ‘The watery-fall’ and ‘Anchors – the night bird’ and a video work of the same title as the exhibition, alongside her recent works on paper featuring Hong Kong urbanscapes and the board game ‘Reversi Hong Kong’. By sharing her psyche as well as observations of her hometown Hong Kong, Bouie’s surreal yet intimate works set an uncanny tone that seek to capture the emotional resonance and complexity between interior and exterior, physical and metaphysical, and the multi-perspectives of far and close oscillating between different times and dimensions. Evoking the format of Chinese landscape painting, our eyes wander across the narratives in her wood paintings with pigments that reflect light and flicker like stars. This twinkling gives a sense of consolation to the artist amidst the constant states of flux of the world.

Each visitor is invited to bring a postcard about their homeland to the following events where stories can be shared together. This exchange will serve as Bouie’s continuous research with PF25 and future projects.



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Détails Name Portrait
Bouie Choi


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