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Society has always been fearful of too much information, from the apple of the tree of knowledge to the many places the printing press was immediately outlawed. So, both the truths and media hysterics surrounding all the talk of a deteriorating society facing the rapid onslaught of the internet and digital technologies, of seemingly all images and facts available like tidal waves, makes a predictable kind of sense. In all of that we often forget the utopian dreams, the actual non- malignant possibilities, hidden within all great changes of access and action. That printing press led towards a humanist awakening, as well as the cementing of power for a different christian church. The photograph promised a form of objective truth, but better arms propaganda in ways consistently impressive and terrifying over the course of the past century. It’s a stratified hopeful aspect of all this that we witness in these works by Pascal Sender and Fridolin Schoch. Their titular tandem vibes suggest an ease of collaboration and comfort with information overlapping and feeding off of itself. With found elements, images and drawings these works speak to the opportunities of breaking away from, or maybe breaking within, two-dimensional representation without negating it. Their layering of the many, both physically and in an added digital realm, relates not to some kind of Matrix dystopia, but as a kind of joyous extension of the illusions painting and drawing have trafficked in for the past few centuries, highlighting the validity of illusory composition in a world in which the IRL is potentially subsumed by new and created realities. The layering here is both physical and conceptual, within paintings, within collaborative drawings, and an app projecting the three dimensional, further activating the existing. The graphics of today anchor these works in our time, the images all together here are not of some future but of our now. Their insistence that their work exists here, rather than in science fiction, is important and lucid. A tangle of gesture and content. The last great jump in the possibilities of two-dimensional space occurred about a century ago, as abstraction allowed the depiction of more than mere life. The early utopian hopes of the constructivists seem apt in thinking about Sender and Schoch’s experiments here. Their explorations of new possibilities in the creation of and accessing of art shows a vital reinvention of the two-dimensional in the 21st century. It’s one where computers aren’t coming for our lives and livelihoods, but might offer passages to new worlds built from all the images and information of this earth.

Mitchell Anderson


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Beletage Art Space