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Regenerative Energy Communities and friends welcome you to join them at the Humuspunk Library...a community transition-infrastructure for the ongoingness of the world.

Become a friend of the library and loosen up your relationship to energy and agriculture, breakway into a joyful fantasy of queer geochemistries, regeneration, micro energy and creative life. Co-habit practices across a range of tones. Drop-in for rest and recuperation, planning your energy giveaway projects, and experimenting with regenerative energy prototypes in the making. Hang out in the free energy giveaways, seed and spore swapping, and lounge lazily in urban farming, reading and listening corners with cushions for star-and-tardigrade gazing.

Join our Loose Energy curriculum (cooking! circuit bending! soil remediation! cruising!) and other ongoing activities that embrace the fermenting queer revolts of punk energy makings as they emerge from the living, breathing, drinking, eating, farting, composting matter we call soil aka. humus. 

Miranda Moss, Maya Minder, Helen Pritchard, Daniel Gustafson, Eric Snodgrass, Regenerative Energy Communities and Friends
Curated by Helen Pritchard




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We Are AIA I Awareness in art