Salta al contenuto principale

Museums, foundations, galleries, off-spaces and universities will open their doors for an inspiring weekend of 60+ exhibitions and curated events throughout the city. Over the course of three days, you'll be offered the chance to connect with personalities from the arts and participate in a wide range of on-site events including guided tours with gallerists and curators, artist talks, workshops, symposiums, and many more. 


Start the weekend on Friday afternoon with a two-hour art walk led by a young curator who will take you to selected art venues and show you artists in a new light, and finish on Sunday at 16:00 with Cathérine Hug (curator Kunsthaus Zürich) and Salome Hohl (director Cabaret Voltaire) who will guide you through Dada venues to explore the places where the movement was born and developed.

On the occasion of ZURICH ART NOV!, a program of highlight events will unfold over the weekend at the ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts, a leading European institution and research center, to reveal Zurich's thriving young art scene, its vibrancy and impetus.  

We would be delighted to welcome you with a special program of events at the ZHdK for the kick-off of the weekend on FRIDAY evening. It will start at 17:00 with a guided tour of the Toni-Areal, followed at 18:00 by the Shizuko Yoshikawa Award 2022 Ceremony with a screening of works by award winner Jiajia Zhang - in presence of the artist. At 19:00, NEST, the exhibition space run by the Bachelor Fine Arts ZHdK, will welcome you with a drink reception and a special viewing of the exhibition "Sonia Gomes, Anna Maria Maiolino, Solange Pessoa", curated by students BFA, led by Laura Bechter & Dr. Gabrielle Schaad, in cooperation with the Ursula Hauser Collection. On SATURDAY, from 13:00 to 16:00 the MFA students will open their studios, giving the public the opportunity to meet young artists, discuss their processes and discover new works. At 14:00 Prof. Dr. Christopher Lloyd Salter, newly appointed director and curator of the Immersive Arts Space at the ZHdK will hold a talk "The Arts of Immersion: New Experiences between Art, Design and Technology" followed by the presentation of a large-scale installation "Fragments of a Conversation" at the Immersive Arts Space.


Together with museums, foundations, galleries, off-spaces and universities, we look forward to welcoming you!

The Zurich Art Weekend Team


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Titolo Paese Località Dettagli
Zurich Art Weekend