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with Zahra Hakim, Phoebe Lin-Elnan, RM (Real Madrid), Clara Roumégoux, Jacopo Valentini, Cassiane Pfund, Larissa Tiki Mbassi, Juliette Le Pineau, Jessy Razafimandimby

The title of the exhibition, is an onomatopoeia that can be understood in many ways. As the sound of the deglutition provoked by the realization of power relations induced by neo-liberal and capitalist systems, but also as the comics onomatopoeia, thus helping to subvert the initial pessimism of such a deglutition. 

Above all, "Gulp" is a short word that leaves room for all kinds of interpretations and proposals from the wonderful people who will be taking part in the exhibition and the publication.

Katia Leonelli (*1997, Geneva) and Clara Chavan (*1996, Lausanne), are collaborating for the first time to present a group exhibition featuring artists tackling various societal issues through food and eating.

Sometimes an allegory of time, life, and death, sometimes a symbol of passion or opulence, food has always aroused the enthusiasm of artists and audiences alike. You'd think - since it's a reality shared by every human being on earth - that through the representation of food, art would finally reach everyone. Our aim with this exhibition is to give free rein to artists at different stages of their careers, and from different traditions, to interpret the meaning of the moment of eating, and its sensitive and aesthetic dimensions. The subject of the meal seems to us to be a privileged means of building links between different parts of Switzerland (French-speaking and Italian-speaking), as well as with our neighbors on the other side of the southern border.



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