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We are proud to announce a group exhibition by Swiss-born, Zurich-based, Ursula Hodel; Polish-born, Stettin-based, Cezary Bodzianowski; Hungarian-born, Vienna-based, Eva Beresin and American-born, Basel-based, Cassidy Toner.

All of the artists invited to this exhibition blur the lines between reality and unreality. Never fully embracing either, but instead playfully straddling the borders. Most often they coat their work in a humorous dollop of sugar, to help viewers swallow it, before tasting its sorrowful undertones.

This exhibition is centred around the absurdity of existence. How human nature relentlessly seeks an answer to the meaning of life, even as they are met with silence from the universe. How does one go on without embracing the cosmic joke they must be part of?

The writer Lauren Berlant recalls, “Whenever I tell someone I’m writing a book on humorlessness, they always laugh. Because humorlessness is so unbearable... A liberal model of humor and humorlessness would suggest that you should always try to cure humorlessness with humor, because humor is what keeps things warm between people and it makes it possible to move together in the social.”

All of the works on view draw attention to the roles we are inhabiting. Whether through the cultural baggage we have inherited or the social constructs surrounding us.


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