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Abdulnasser Gharem, Zongbo Jiang, Anouk Sebald, Kwang-Ju Son

Curator: Anouk Sebald, Bern


Open daily 13:30 to midnight. 

The videos can be viewed free of charge at the REX Box, the former ticket house of the cinema REX.


Introduction in Saal REX 2: Tuesday, 16.05.2023, 18:30 till 19:0 Uhr by Anouk Sebald. Additional videos by Anouk Sebald will be screened at the event.

Admission is free / ticket required (available at the box office or online).


Concept “The Principle of Hope” (Ernst Bloch) 


Anouk Sebald writes:


“In our world, where we are moving further and further away from nature, the idea of creating a harmonious relationship between humans and nature seems utopian. 


Key resources for the selection of the works shown and the research for my video work "Eutopia" were two books by the German philosopher Ernst Bloch: "Das Prinzip Hoffnung" (The Principle of Hope) and his early work "Geist der Utopie" (Spirit of Utopia), published in 1918 in the middle of the war, which tragically has lost none of its relevance. 


Is a Utopia a concept of an ideal society that is unattainable? In times of climate change, species extinction and environmental pollution, it seems to me more necessary than ever to have a vision of a better future. The difference between a dream and a utopia is that a dream is often something vague that does not allow for a clear vision of a better future. A utopia, on the other hand, is a concrete idea based on certain values and ideals that helps us to find solutions to the problems of the present that can perhaps give us orientation and hope.”



Further details on:


Facebook: http://facebook.com/videocity.bs

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/videocity_bs/

Project website page: https://www.videocity.org/bern 




REX Box im Kino REX Bern
Schwanengasse 9
3011 Bern


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Videocity x REX Box