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Vernissage am Freitag, 7. Juni 2019, 18:00Performance am Dienstag 11. Juni 2019, 19:00 Öffnungszeiten: Samstag und Sonntag, 14:00–18:00Während der Art Basel: Mittwoch bis Sonntag, 14:00–19:00 

For the 4th year, the Art Institute at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel organizes its Summer exhibition in collaboration with [N.A!] Project and invites Argentinian-born and Paris-based artist, dancer and choreographer Cecilia Bengolea to realize a new site-specific project in der TANK. This new commission consists of a multimedia intervention that culminates in a new public performance on Tuesday, June 11.

A multidisciplinary artist, Cecilia Bengolea investigates the history of both vernacular andurban dancing through her installations and performances. She’s particularly interested inthe relation to nature, elements, animist beliefs and choreographed figuration. She conceives of her artistic practice as an animated sculpture that allows her to become both subject and object within her own work.

Cecilia Bengolea’s performances and video installations were exhibited at Desert X (2019); the Engadin Art Talks (2019); the Venice Biennale (2019); Art Basel in Miami Beach (2018); the Ocean Space, TBA21, Venice (2018); Dhaka Art Summit (2018); Volcano Extravaganza, Fiorucci Art Trust, Stromboli (2018); Palais de Tokyo (2015 and 2018); Elevation 1049, Gstaad (2017); Dia Art Foundation (2017); Faena Arts Center, Buenos Aires (2015 and 2017); Bienal de Sao Paulo (2016); The Infinite Mix at Hayward Gallery (2016); Spiral Hall, Tokyo (2016); the Centre Pompidou (2010 and 2016); The Tanks, Tate Modern (2015); ICA, London (2015); the Biennale de Lyon (2015); The Kitchen, New York (2014); and the Gwangju Biennial (2014).

Since 2005, Bengolea has been collaborating with François Chaignaud with whom she created and presented pieces in numerous art and dance institutions around the world,among which the Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon, the Ballet de Lorraine or Pina Bausch’sTanztheater Wuppertal. They were awarded the Prix de la critique de Paris (2009) and the young Artist Prize at Gwangju Biennial (2014). Bengolea also frequently collaborates with dancehall artists such as Craig Black Eagle, Bombom DHQ, Damion BG and contemporary artists among which Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Jeremy Deller.

Cecilia Bengolea enjoys a contribution to production by [NA!] Project.




Details Name Portrait
Cecilia Bengolea


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der TANK