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Name Sort descending Type Portrait Details
Margrit Ammann Artist
Margrit Bättig Artist
Margrit Beck Artist
Margrit Berger Artist
Margrit Bischof Artist
Margrit Brancher Artist
Margrit Bürer Artist
Margrit Bütler Artist
Margrit Cuenin Artist
Margrit Eichele Artist
Margrit Eigenmann Artist
Margrit Fischer Artist
Margrit Grunauer Artist
Margrit Gsell-Heer Artist
Margrit Indermaur Artist
Margrit Jäggli Artist
Margrit Jäschke Artist
Margrit Keller Artist
Margrit Lang Artist
Margrit Lanoë Artist
Margrit Lanoë-Jungi Artist
Margrit Leuthold Artist
Margrit Lila Fischer-Hotz Artist
Margrit Linck Artist
Margrit Linder Artist
Margrit Magnin Artist
Margrit Nussbaumer Artist
Margrit Ott Artist
Margrit Rieben Artist
Margrit Roetschi Artist
Margrit Rosa Schmid Author
Margrit Schärli Artist
Margrit Schmid Artist
Margrit Schmidt Artist
Margrit Stalder Artist
Margrit und Hermann Rupf Collector
Margrit Vogt Artist
Margrit von Waltenwyl Artist
Margrit von Wattenwyl-Hockenjos Artist
Margrit Zeller Artist
Margrith Aeberli Artist
Margrith Fölmli Artist
Margrith Forrer Artist
Margrith Gyr Artist
Margrith Rechsteiner Artist
Margrith Rosina Cueni Artist
Margrith Schütz Artist
Margrith Veraguth Artist
Margrith Weber-Joho Artist
Margrith Weisser Artist