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Works with Unique Elements & Variations

Parkett is pleased to announce the opening of UNIQUE at its exhibition space in Zurich. Works on view include some sixty editions made by artists for Parkett since 1984 with unique elements and variations. These elements include hand-painted, drawn, or collaged features, entirely unique sculptural objects, experimentations with printmaking, and more. The works on display defy the traditional notion of editions, that all prints and multiples of one project are identical from the first to the last work of this edition.

The show is a tribute to the ongoing innovations and imaginations with which artists keep pushing the boundaries of past and present, and provide viewers and collectors with illuminating approaches and looks forward, with an ever evolving diversity and range of artistic thoughts and ideas. The works “…offer a sense of what artists can do with the challenge of how to distill their practices into a single, compact object or image..” (Philip Tinari, director UCCA Beijing).

Works on view include Kai Althoff's individually hand-blown fragrance glass bottles, Francis Alys’ Ghetto Collector in 25 variations (see image above). Nathalie Djurberg's Eggs, hand-painted and unique stuffed canvas sculptures adorned with fruit and vegetable facial features, Tracey Emin's partial self-portraits from a group of eighty Polaroid photographs taken over the course of one day, or the both iconic and ironic trompe l'oeil sculpted replicas of paint splattered buckets by Fischli/Weiss.

Also presented are Ellen Gallagher's tribute to actor, author and activist Ruby Dee with hand placed plasticine elements, Adrian Ghenie's The Lidless Eye, from a group of collaged works on paper, Liu Xiaodong's unique and over-painted photographs from a visit to the Uighurs in Xinjiang, China, Paulina Olowska's porcelain volleyball player Siatkarka, from a group of unique hand painted porcelain figures that pay tribute to a famous Polish volleyball champion, among many others.


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